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    DA-500 - Mier Products Inc Drive-Alert System, Contains: Control unit, sensor with 100 feet of cable, remote whistle, Features: Operates by sensing changes in the earth magnetic field, probe is buried six inch 96B4871

    Üretici firma: Mier Products
    Sipariş Kodu: 2805050
    Üretici parti numarası: DA-500
    Teknik Bilgi: DA-500 Datasheet
    Kullanılabilirlik: 2 stokta

    ABD Stock

    ABD stoklu ürünler 20 iş günü içerisinde teslim edilir.

    ₺ 17602,66 +KDV

    Fiyatı :Adet

    i h
    Mevzuat ve Çevre
    Menşe Ülke: CN
    RoHS Uyumlu: TBA
    SVHC: 0
    Ağırlık (KG): 2,7302
    Gümrük Tarife No: 85318070
    0.0 0
    Kendi görüşünü yaz Kapat
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    Mier Products Inc Drive-Alert System, Co; Mier Products Inc Drive-Alert System, Contains: Control unit, sensor with 100 feet of cable, remote whistle, Features: Operates by sensing changes in the earth magnetic field, probe is buried six inches deep and parallel to the