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    Kategoriler Kapat

    STOM-2 - Trigger Module

    Üretici firma: United Automation
    Sipariş Kodu: 1338093
    Üretici parti numarası: STOM-2
    Teknik Bilgi: STOM-2 Datasheet
    Kullanılabilirlik: 8 stokta

    U.K. Stock

    İngiltere stoklu ürünler 7-10 iş günü içerisinde teslim edilir.

    ₺ 7034,88 +KDV

    Fiyatı :Adet

    i h
    Mevzuat ve Çevre
    Menşe Ülke: GB
    RoHS Uyumlu: YES
    SVHC: 0
    Ağırlık (KG): 0,1200
    Gümrük Tarife No: 85415000
    0.0 0
    Kendi görüşünü yaz Kapat
    • Kötü
    • Mükemmel
    Trigger Module; Supply Voltage:18Vac; Operating Temperature Min:0°C; Operating Temperature Max:65°C; Product Range:-; Svhc:No Svhc (20-Jun-2016); Approval Bodies:Ce; External Depth:44Mm; External Length / Height:80Mm; External Width:62Mm; For Use With:Resistive And Inductive Loads Of Ovens, Moulders, Dryers; Gate Trigger Current Max, Igt:1A; Input Current Max:75Ma; Operating Temperature Range:0°C To +65°C; Output Current Max:1A; Output Voltage Max:440V; Output Voltage Min:5V; Power Dissipation Ptot Max:1.2W; Supply Voltage Ac Max:18V; Supply Voltage Ac Min:10V; Supply Voltage Max:18Vac; Supply Voltage Min:10Vac